20 April 2007

The Blind Date - Part 2

As promised, the updated photos of me n CK & Yasmin

This is the supposedly small sandwich! Yeah right!

The sweet Yasmin - Young version of CK!

Because Yasmin was so sweet, we got free ice-cream for dessert! Life is a bless right?

The gift I won, for winning a pop-quiz in my class at Singapore - a canadian key chain with maple tree leave on it... can see or not?? Worth the effort stay up late and study every night!

The gift from a friend I just met, CK - hug hug and thanks dear!

So the cats are out of the bag!

I met CK when I was at the Lion City this week. Her daughter, Yasmin, is so adorable... when she laughs, I felt like as if I can hear my own daughters laughter... I will edit this entry, with Yasmin's photos... once I'm back to KL.

17th Apr, Tuesday nite - we just gebang2 and I had my HUGE sandwich... On 18th Apr, Wednesday nite - we had huge plate of beriani & naan that CK ends up packing some for her hubby! By the way, CK practically "live" at Orchard Road this week... WHY? Ask her yourself... hehehe.... sorry CK, a bit "murai" here..

To Leilanie & KuE and Rose, I am supposedly to be your DHL... but you guys will have to experience the VERY VERY delayed service (I will get myself organise soon.... I promise or else CK will murder me alive!!)

ps: Me stuck at Changi Airport, as my flight is delayed, departure at 10 pm (initial timing was 9.20 pm and I was here since 5.10 pm..... grrrrr)


D.N.A.S said...

Hi Kimi,
you've been tagged! Lalalalala.
Please check at my blog.

Best tak outstation? Kalau tercampak kat Europe sorang2, lagi tension, tau!

Anonymous said...

hi... syoknyaa gi spore :)

CestmoiCK said...

hi there kimi!

you know what? i am still recuperating from all those trips to Orchard, hehehe...

miss yewwww! :)

p.s. don't worry about the delivery for Leilanie, kuE & Rose, dear. I won't murder you one lah...you are such a sweet gal, rugi oooo...muahahaha.

*waves at Naddy - bila nak datang SG????* :)

Leilanie said...

will be waiting for the goodies...
woo hoo.

p/s :
Thanks CK.
You're sooooooo sweet.

CestmoiCK said...

*tumpang lalu ye Kimi*

Alahai Leilanie dear...tak de apa pun, don't get your hopes up, hahha. Just a lil' token of friendship, that's all. Hope you'll like it!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

rounding rounding.........wahhh kimi pergi temasek ke

NAH said...

Still traveling around lagi ke tu?

Happy Mother's Day

kimi azhan said...

DNAS - I still owe you the recipe book fee $75 and two story books... bila kita nak jumpa ekk?? I pernah stuck kat Cincinnati, US masa cuaca -15C... menarik tak?? NOT AT ALL!!

Naddy - Yg best dpt jumpa kawan, tapi penat nye kena buat homework every nite!

CK - wink wink... I miss you lah...

Leilanie - Ni pun kes sama, I owe you a gift from some one to you... bila nak reactivate kita punya blogger lunch nih??

Wan - tu la, nak jumpa Pearl tak sempat ambik contact no. nak access email pulak susah betul.. hotel tu out sikit!

NAH - tak lah, tapi busy kat opis, cover for people who are now travelling pulak.. nasib nasib..

ku E said...

eee..... sukanye i tengok muka yasmin, cute.....