29 November 2005

Down The Memory Lane.......

Ever wonder why sometimes when you think of nothing, you start to walk down the memory lane?

Today... I have been thinking about long lost-touch family & friends....

1. I have this one sister, Mie, who stays abroad, don't know how she is doing. I hope she's fine..
2. Angah, a dear friend when I was in MRSM... I know she has 3 kids and happily live in Kota Kinabalu... I miss you!
3. Wanie, a dear friend too, know her since MRSM days, and went to Australia together.. how are you doing?
4. Ayah Man lives in Gombak.. he's here, so close yet so far... And I've lost touch with him.

I may write more on these people and my other loved ones... soon... I promise... real soon!

ps: Elin, it was good to meet you last Thursday... Stay cool and good luck for your masters!!


Leilanie said...

Quiet moments like these are good signs that we're in touch with our inner-selves.......... (and people close to us).

kimi azhan said...

Lanie dear,

Yep, it certainly is true. Thanks for the sweet memory back to 1997. Guess what, I still can fit in that yellow kebaya I wore at the grooming class.. preety steady hah? kekeke, but Azhan said "banyak ruang kosong dah di isi esp...." Oh darn #@$^*#!

Leilanie said...

haa haa
Dia sebut because he cares.....
(it's a good sign when our hubbies do that - it means that they're still looking at us).