08 March 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Adriana!

Happy 3rd birthday Adriana on 4th mar 2008... My baby girl is no longer a baby!! She is witty, sweet n her dad's favourite of course at this point of time coz she is soooo obedient!

Her cake was chosen by herself - after being so confused for about 30 minutes looking at a book of "cakes design" at Auntie Rozie's house. She can even specify "I want Mickey and Mini to hold two ballons each...... pink writing.....", oh she grow up so fast!!

The cake cutting session... of course all her sisters "interframe" as well.... Adilah taking the lead of course!

This is her new "shopping trolley" from Che Jie... Nice or not? I end up become the "trolley collector" every night before she goes to bed - she insists on parking her trolley at the right place!

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