18 November 2008

What's up with Kimi?

Sept 26... was my last entry... when I was caught in the midst of fasting month, assignments, home alone without hubby... wow, it has been two months!

What has happened really since then? (my latest daily update can be obtained, if you become a member of Facebook.. search for my name Norhakimi and add me as your friend!)
1. Hubby came back for raya only for a week and left again... Will see him again only next month.. hmmm??
2. Have been doing some CAR maintenance... can you actually believe that? It doesn't sound like Kimi I know (I mean, I don't change car tyres, I don't refill the car water, I never service a car, I don't refill car aircond)... the B4 Kimi only drive a car, refuel, put some air into the tyres and that's about all!
3. A cousin got engaged, a cousin had graduated, another cousin is graduating in NZ, and three cousins are getting married (Jan, Feb n Mar 2009)...
4. Done with my final paper examination.... and now is "cooking" her VIVA slides... 24th Nov2008 ... to mark the end of my MSc with UKM!
5. My in-law are now in Madinah, going to depart to Makkah soon... I am praying so hard for them to get Mabrur Haj..insya Allah
6. My kids.... Adriana was down with Chicken Pox just before my exam, and Adlina lost her voice...

Hmmmm... and above all, we miss Azhan... be safe "where" you are now...


eyna said...

oh my... you're finishing already. see how time flies, aint it? congrats kimi!!

(i bet u'll miss doing assignments and those exams.. heheheh)

kimi azhan said...

Eyna, la kan... makna juga.... dah lama kita semua tak jumpa... Lanie pun dah pindah ke KL office.

Good luck with your masters tooo!

About the miss-doing-assignment-and-exam... hmmm let me tell you later... as of now, Viva viva viva.. tu je dlm kepala ni now!