22 December 2005

Pantang Orang Melayu

I have received such a great news - a dear friend, Zare, is now pregnant! She has been waiting for so long...and I am so happy for her.... so as a caring friend, I have shared with her some tips of how to take care of her self during her maternity leave...

And since I have blogger friends who may benefit from it, so I thought... why not, share this with the world!! Here it goes...

(Pantang - A Malay word for maternity period of 0-60 days)

My Main Food intake during Pantang are:

1. Dinner & Lunch
a. White Rice
b. Baked fish (kembung, tenggiri or cencaru) with salt, tumeric, ketumbar and jintan..
(sorry, too lazy to find the English name for the two spices )
c. Lettuce with Tau-Foo - boiled with only water, salt, red onion, garlic & pepper
d. after the 30 days of giving birth, then I get steam skinless chicken with garlic & ginger

2. Breakfast & Tea
a. whole meal bread - toast or just like that with milk, horlick or milo
b. Cream craker biscuit - high fibre low salt, plain only - dip in the above drinks (2a)
c. Boiled water of mixed tree and herb roots (Akar kayu laaaa)

No fruits for me, as both my mom & my mom in law thinks that it's bad for my nerves (Sejuk la makan buah, tak baik untuk urat)

You think that's bad...? Imagine this... Azhan (I love you still) will make sure my maid will monitor my eating during this confinement period..... and all my maids (before, and present) are Javanese from Indonesia.... who's waist are smaller than my eldest, Adilah....

So that's it... I have a bottle neck!! But I am proud to say that I can still fit in the clothes when Adilah was not even born yet (okay, okay, so I'm not a beauty queen, but at least I don't have to crack my head to get a new wardrobe after every delivery)...... so if you want to maintain your figure... Pantang is good for you!

To Zare, best wishes to you in 2006.

To all mum-to-be out there, stay calm & cool!

To all father-to-be... please behave and be nice to your expecting wife!


NAH said...

Hi Kimi,

At least you had quite a variety of food. I was given only ikan bilis goreng with loads of lada hitam (big big chunks, ok), VERY thinly beef sliced cooked with tons of garlic and black pepper, ikan haruan (yaiks!) cooked with black pepper, quaker oat, milk, plain white rice, bread... hmmm, what a meal eh! But thanks to my mom for e'thing.... she took great care to ensure I didn't went 'off the hook'... hehehe

kimi azhan said...

Nah Dearie,

Aduhhhh.. I forgot to include the Haruan soup... agreed 150%, it's yaikkkk! Well at least you have beef... But rosted beef with mushroom sauce would be lovely, kan kan!

Just by looking at ur photo, I know you don't have to worry about your weight! Thks for dropping by.

fara-k said...

Hi Kimi,
I'm making use of your pantang menu too when i give birth in March to my 2nd child, inshaAllah. For my first one, i "cheated" a bit..for i only ate those things for the first 10 days..and then, it's normal food for me. but i think this time around, i will try to be more disciplined. Thanks for sharing the tips! Am soooo looking forward to lots of baked and tasteless fish..(Not!) hahah

kimi azhan said...

Dear Fara,

wishing you all the best with you "pantang" mission. Yeah, not easy to cope with tasteless food.. Guess what? I delivered my third on 04MAR2005.. Felt like it was just yesterday...

have a safe delivery.