23 December 2005

Looking forward to a better year - 2006!

Good evening,

I was reading through this blog of wongahbeng and seriously you guys should read his post on "bloginson-syndrome". There is some truth in his writing, so Ah Beng (I think I like to call you with that name), thanks for the tips!

To ensure that I am not getting any virus from the syndrome, my brain has been telling me to keep to the objective of me writing a blog... to share with people as much as I can!

So my end of sharing for this week:

Life is like a mail, sometimes you just don't get it!


The world is like a mirror, if you face it smiling, it smiles right back!


Don't be afraid to open up your eyes so you can see tomorrow......

And remember that

The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!

Have a good weekend to all!

1 comment:

Leilanie said...

Funny kan this WAB.
I enjoy reading his spot.
meow meow.

Happy New Year to you and all at home.