06 January 2006

Abortion... Where goes the Human Values?

Dear Friends,

I know the pictures or photos that I have posted are not the kind of pictures that people want to see/view. But I just had to push myself to write on this. How human values has changed (and we're all guilty at charge in some way or another to allow for this to happen).

These pictures were taken by crew of a local TV station in M'sia. This is a view in a "bilik mandi mayat" Masjid Pusara Aman in Singapore. I quote portion of the email here (that I have received together with these photos) , sorry it's in Malay Language but I don't have the heart to translate - I am so so taken back.......

"Kesemua janin, Melayu/Islam itu baru saja diambil pegawai Persatuan Derma Amanah Muslimin (MTFA) dari tiga buah hospital setempat. Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-kanak Kandang Kerbau (KKH), Hospital Besar Singapura (SGH)dan Hospital Universiti Nasional (NUH). Janin-janin itu tidak dituntut oleh ibu yang mengandungkan mereka selepas menjalani
pengguguran di hospital- hospital tersebut."

I'm sorry, if I ever offend any Singaporean/or muslim for that matter. I'm preety sure this also happens in other countries....

I just want to share the lesson that I've learned from this email........

I want to always be thankful for what God (Allah) has given me. And I truly am sorry for whatever wrongdoing that I have done before as a Muslim, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend etc etc etc....... May Allah always guide me to the right path!


Leilanie said...

I was eating my latest favourite junk food when I nosed around your blog ..... nasib baik I tak tertelan kulit kuaci.

Anyway, jokes aside.
I actually put down my bag of kuaci and read through your post. I feel very disturbed by such an act. Orang nak anak, tak dapat-dapat. Orang ada anak, tapi dibuang-buang.

Let they (us) be judged by Allah Almighty.

kimi azhan said...

Lanie, agreed with you totally... I mean, "Mejar" (I think you know him) adopted a baby after 18 yrs of waiting. And here you have people "who live in this very civilised world" do such act. Tak takut Tuhan ke?