07 February 2007

Re-Decor for 2007

This is a promise long made to my Casa friends. Thanks to my hubby who is a very creative person compared to me, he has put his touch to re-design our home-sweet-home for 2007.

This is his master piece - the 'keladi' is 'making' their way on the blind (this blind is located on top of the swing, see more photos below).

This blind below is used to "cover" the openness between our house to the neighbours. So it creates the privacy yet keeps you looking very friendly with the neighbour!

After 'clearing' up my chester, this is what now left on the chester - REALLY THE NECESSARY only! hehehehe... can you see the feeding bottle??

The Dresser - after maximum 'minimisation' done to it..

The view of the tea-time corner in front of my house.. we use the "bidai" to cover the MPV carrier... since we don't have any store room that can fit in the carrier!

I am always pround of hubby's creativity. notice the "pangkir" a.k.a the wood planes for leisure seating - he made it himself, from our "broken bed"... he's gonna be angry if he knows I publish this photo... his comment was "semua nak tunjuk, bukan you yg buat pun".... Well, doesn't matter..... to me, I just want to show my appreciation of all his art work!

Hope that's enough to give some ideas to those who are looking for new year decoration to be done at home.. Let me know if you have any comment for me to improve okay! Thanks in advance for any view/opinion/comment.


Nik Farizah said...

Kimi..it's been such a long time...mesti busy sangat. I suka keladi tu menjalar on the blind....
daun dia pun subur.

Leilanie said...

Kimi dear,
so kalau you bela keladi on the blind.... maknanya, tak boleh buka blind lah yer?
(sorry... kurang arif, sikit).

Nice.... very nice.

p/s :
I can see you in the mirror, pakai baju biru.

kimi azhan said...


Yusp, busy giler now ni... mana nak kerja, mana nak study. Kalau takde maid, memang haru biru le I!


Blind tu masih boleh buka, coz Azhan dah aim the "length" utk roll up and roll down the blind... so keladi tu tak akan terjejas! Yup... and the lady in blue is me.. tu la, tak perasankan cermin kat lounge tu, so I termasuk sama in the photo... keh..keh..

Cherry said...

the intention is not to "tunjuk" but to document evidence :)
btw - coincidentally we also just put blinds at our porch ... tak tahan fanassss musim kemarau ni.

kimi azhan said...


betul tu... kalau kita tak appreciate, sapa lagi kan... so layan je laaa.... hehehehe