18 October 2005

Welcome to myself!!


I am new to this blogspot. Yes, I like to write, in fact I used to write a lot during my school days. But some what the uni life does not promote me to write anymore.. the usual excuse of bad time management.

For this new effort of trying to activate that part of me, I have to personally thanked a dear friend of mine, Leilanie for becoming my inspiration. I want to share my happines with the world, hopefully I can make others happy too.

And oh... I thank God for giving me my husband, Azhan, a person who I always (constantly) argue with, challenge his opinions, fight his ideas, and yet.......I love him for who he is, always have and always will.

Will write more in the future. Sign off for now... to the muslims around the world, have a good Ramadhan.

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