03 March 2006

Have You Ever Feel It?

Have you ever feel that suddenly God is answering to all your prayers? Could it be because of your good doings? Could it be that he's testing you? How do we know which is what? I continue to ponder when:

1. Izzie - a bloghopper drop by my blog yesterday and lead me to a world of discovery... Could it be the one I've been looking for? Only time will tell.. I have to continue blog-digging to find the hidden answer.....

2. Adilah's Pizza craving - She was craving for Pizza when we visited my parents-in-law 2 weeks ago... So I thought, why not, since it's the family get-together daya anyway... So Azhan (my hubby) drove me to the Pizza Hut and while waiting for the Pizza to be ready in 15 mins, I asked him, "if you don't mind, can you drive me to the bank to draw some cash?".. A simple "No problem" as an answer - and there was Jaa @ Hasliza..... an ex-MRSM friend since we're 13 yrs old!!!!!! Of course all the usual "Lama nye tak jumpa.. Tinggal kat mana? Anak dah berapa?"... Exchanging hp numbers and email address.... etc etc.... What a perfect way to end my weekend!!

3. Work Obstacle - my project team at work has this issue with regard to new directives and how to align ourselves to it..... No clue, don't know what is going on at the upper level....This has been going on for more than 2 months!! then a "knight in shinning armor" happened to drop by and share some leads with us.. and wallaaaa...problem solved!! Hmmmmm.....

Why does all these beautiful things happen to me now? What have I done to deserve this? Or is this a test to see how would I thank God in return? Do you know? Can you tell me?

Somehow... deep in my heart, I know that is the greatness of God's unlimited power and we should forever be thankful for whatever he has given!
(Jauh di sudut hati, aku mengakui itulah kebesaran kuasa Tuhan yang tiada batasan dan kita seharusnya terus bersyukur di atas segala kurniaan dariNya.)

Note : Tomorrow is Adriana's FISRT birthday.... Happy birthday my cutie pie! May Allah bless you always!


Leilanie said...

Because you're an angel....... to your friends, your family and simply those around you.

NAH said...

Miracle happens all the time & all we need is patience...
May u have a good week ahead!

kimi azhan said...

Lanie - Thank you... for you're one of my angel friends... Sometimes I wonder those who claims they need no friend in life... just money and money and money.... pity them!

Nazura - Yes, patience is all that we need... but there are times I find it hard to keep being patience!