23 May 2006

The Exam - mine or the kids?

I was reading Ina's entry on her quest to get a pet for her sons..... and her anxiety over her son's exam made me realised that I am also behaving/responding the same way. This week is Adilah (7 yrs old) and Adlina (4 yrs old) exam week at their schools. And I think I am going a bit over the board asking them to do revision! I mean, Adilah knows the value of getting 100% vs getting 80%. But Adlina? She is still drinking her chocolate milk in her cup every night! What was I thinking?

After all, they are kids, thus they are entitled to make mistake, coz that's how they can learn... right? Nevertheless, I think it is my responsibility as a parent, to create the fun learning environment with them at home, so that they enjoy the revision with me (of course there will be a lot of screaming and argument, knowing for fact that Baby Adriana who is just 15 months old, will also be doing the revision session)....

This also means I am not going to be able to have a good "rest" this week.... coz I'll be working also at night.... which reminds me... WHERE IS THE FATHER???


Leilanie said...

A father's sacrifice comes nothing close to a mother's.

Freaking out during their exams are common for mothers...... hee hee.
Wait till they sit for the UPSR.
keeh keeh keeh.

P/s: I'm freaking out too, cos Emil will be sitting for his PMR in 2 years time. (planning ahead.... hee hee - so that I do not super-freak-out!).

kimi azhan said...

You're a master when it comes to freaking out for kid's exam! I mean you have been doing it for 13 years already. I've only 7 years of experience so far.... BUUUUUUUUTTTT if I consider

3 kids = total of (7 + 4 + 1) of their age = 12 years ...

kah..kah... try to cheat in the mathematical ways!

Leilanie said...

By next year, you would have over-taken me...... then, I can come to you for HELP!!!!

8 + 5 + 2 = 15
(and Emil would just be 14......)

wah.... terrer jugak my math, kan....
hee hee

eyna said...

Hi Kimi..
Ni baru early stage.. Wait till the next stages yet to come...

1st stage: pre-school
2nd stage: primary school
3rd stage: secondary school
4th stage: university

Yikes! When think of it, goosebumps are all over me.. kkkkkk

kimi azhan said...

Lanie - terrer.. you memang terrer! hehehe... we ladies will be supporting each other forever... in the spirit of sisterhood! Nanti I kena berguru kat you pula tanda-2 anak kita bercinta, since "my math experience" tu cannot beat Emil punya age utk start a relationship. Errr you nak memantu yg macamana... wah, macam real je!

Ina - betul betul. I siap buat chart umur I berapa bila anak buat PMR, SPM etc... sebab kena budget untuk tusyen, extra book etc... I call it my "25 years plan"... sebab I dapat first baby masa umur 25. Crazy tak I? Ni semua pengaruh 7 HABITS!